Nobody can escape from loneliness, sooner or later it will catch you.. But how many faces does loneliness have? Eno Peçi’s play depicts the many different forms of loneliness. There are moments in life where we feel solitary and don’t really know why. Feelings of desolate can catch up even when someone is by our side. Where does the loneliness come from? This play features a huge clock that symbolizes TIME and how quickly it passes. Time is an essential part of our lives and many of the events that happen to us only begin to make sense after some time. The thought may arise in many of us:
I wish I could go back in time to do a few things differently.
Zweisamkeit was created and staged by Peçi for Györi Balett under the production Körforgás
concept & choreography by Eno Peçi
stage design by Eno Peçi, Vidos Tibor
costume by Györi Gabi
assistant choreographer by Artem Pozdeev
lights by Eno Peçi, Hécz Péter
performed by the dancers of Györi Balett
video trailers by Delbeaufilm , Zerozfilm
Trailer 1
Created for Győri Balett under the production of Kőrforgás.
trailer 2
Created for Győri Balett under the production of Kőrforgás.