Daphnis et chloé
In a seemingly abstract, yet very realistic set design by Hans Winkler, Eno Peçi finds his own narrative path. As an artist living in Vienna, Peçi is very familiar with Sigmund Freud. In a symbolized ambience of a clinic, a sanatorium, two people meet, discover each other, find each other, lose each other and yet try to walk a path together. These people struggle for self - determination. Insanity, madness as an escape option. A naturalistic seeming forest - and nymphs - world, stands for the IT, for the unfathomable in man, for his contradictions, for his struggle with the surrounding nature, with his fellow man and with himself. Peçi shows how fragile and therefore valuable human encounters and relationships are. His interpretation of Daphnis et Chloé is a permanent crossing of boundaries, set in the waiting and in - between spaces of life - always before transformation.
• Daphnis et Chloé was created and staged by Peçi
for Chemnitz Theater under the production of
• concept & choreography by Eno Peçi
• music Maurice Ravel
• costume & Set design Hans Winkler
• assistant choreographer Yuri Zhukov
• light designer Holger Reinke
• performed by dancers of Die Theater Chemnitz
• pictures (c) Ida Zenna & Hans Winkler